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My Urinary Incontinence is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

May 06, 2024
My Urinary Incontinence is Embarrassing: Can You Help?
Urinary incontinence is embarrassing, anxiety-producing, and affects women physically and emotionally. Learn about the different types of incontinence and how you and your Southdale provider can build a treatment plan that offers relief here.

Countless women have endured the supremely uncomfortable moment when a bit of urine leaks out as they’re sneezing or laughing. It’s an alarming feeling, and you have no warning. If it’s happened before, you dread it happening again.

If this has happened to you, please know you have lots of company. Not only does involuntary urinary incontinence affect about half of adult women, the figure rises to 75% in the 65+ age group. 

Constant worry about when the next leak will occur doesn’t have to be your fate. There are innovative treatments and routines you can follow to get relief.

The multi-talented team at Southdale OB/GYN builds relationships with our patients based on consistency and trust. We always work to create a treatment plan customized to meet your unique needs in every life stage, whether you need routine care, prenatal care, help managing a chronic condition, or a surgical procedure.

Urinary incontinence doesn’t just affect women physically

When you struggle with incontinence issues, you’re not only trying to anticipate and control a physical condition; you’re experiencing emotional and social stress since you never know when a leak might happen when you’re at work, at your child’s game, or having coffee with a friend.

You’re more likely to deal with urinary incontinence if you’ve had a vaginal birth (due to pelvic muscle floor strain and damage), are older with weakened bladder muscles, or are overweight, which puts a strain on bladder muscles as well. 

Along with hot flashes and sleep problems, incontinence can be part of your menopausal transition as well. Your Southdale provider can help you through this major life transition, including assisting you with any urinary issues. 

Incontinence is also linked to urinary tract infections (UTIs), vaginal irritation or infection, and surprisingly, constipation. It’s also a good idea to talk to your doctor about what prescription medications you’re currently taking, as certain ones can also trigger incontinence.

Unfortunately, many women feel self-conscious about bringing incontinence up with their doctors, but they shouldn’t be since there are treatments that can help end the cycle of worry associated with the problem.

Different types of incontinence

There are two main types of incontinence: urge incontinence and stress incontinence. 

Urge incontinence happens when you have a sudden and quite strong urge to urinate — so strong that you may not be able to make it to the bathroom. 

Stress incontinence, or exertion incontinence, occurs when you urinate while exercising, coughing, laughing, or sneezing. 

It’s also possible to experience both types of incontinence, and this is known as mixed incontinence. Another disturbing incontinence symptom is feeling like you haven’t entirely emptied your bladder sufficiently, even after you’ve taken a bathroom break. You might also have problems initiating urination. 

No matter which type you have, there’s no question it’s limiting your life in some way. 

Sophisticated tools and treatments for urinary incontinence

Fortunately, the Southdale team has an innovative diagnostic tool called urodynamic testing that helps them diagnose incontinence so they can treat it appropriately. 

The study gives your provider an accurate snapshot of what’s happening as your bladder fills and empties. During the test:

  • We ensure your comfort
  • Your privacy is honored during the test
  • Your Southdale provider evaluates what’s happening during testing in real time

Our patients are pleased with the fact that they receive their urodynamic testing results that same day before they leave our office. This also enables your provider to create your treatment plan, which you can take with you. 

Once we complete your evaluation, we may recommend:

  • Kegel exercises
  • Weight loss
  • Bladder-calming medications called anticholinergics
  • A Transobturator Sling procedure

The Transobturator Sling is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure where your surgeon places mesh tape under your urethra, which keeps it stable and helps stop you from involuntarily urinating.

We can relieve you from uncomfortable and awkward incontinence challenges using diagnostic tools and advanced treatments. With the right treatment plan, you can enjoy life and all your favorite activities again without the stress and worry of when — not if — you’ll experience leakage again.

Call 952-920-7001 to make an appointment at our Edina or Burnsville office or book one online